Seasonal Marketing

5 Quick and Easy Ideas for Marketing Your Business at the Holidays

Many business professionals may feel the pull to take a break from marketing during the end-of-year holidays. Business in industries like real estate and home services is often slow. There are so many activities outside of work to keep you busy. And there’s all that holiday shopping, cooking, and preparation to do for when your 19 cousins come to town.

But make no mistake: The holidays are a key time to build brand recognition among your prospects and keep your relationship going with former clients. Sending marketing materials and marketing your business during the holidays is a great way to sow the seeds for next year’s success: Make an impression now, and people will think of you first when they (or their friends) need your services in the spring.

5 Marketing Ideas for the Holidays – There’s Still Time

Feeling a little late to the game on your holiday marketing plans? Don’t worry – the following ideas are easy to pull off in a flash.

1. Hold a social media holiday photo showcase 

Want to get your social media followers excited and rachet up engagement on your pages? Hold an online showcase for local homes with the best holiday decorations: people can submit their own photos of decorated homes and comment on or like their favorite. Note: since there are strict guidelines on Facebook, X, and other social media platforms for contests and promotions, we suggest opting out of a contest format and instead positioning the photos as a showcase of holiday cheer. Beautiful images of local light displays will still get engagement for your brand – just tie it back to your services.

For example: “I love how our town lights up during the holidays! As your neighbor, I love this community as much as you do. So, when you have a question about the real estate market in town, know that I have the local expertise to give you an honest answer and help you on your journey to your dream home.”

“Look at this beautiful light display in our local park. I love the holidays, and I want to see more holiday lights! Tag my page with the most beautiful Christmas lights you’ve seen around town!”

2. Share a recipe idea
Marketing Your Business at the Holiday recipe

With all the cooking going on during the holidays, many people are interested in a new recipe idea or a twist on a classic dish. Sending recipe postcards through the mail is a great way to share a delicious new food idea and a cost-effective way of marketing your business at the same time. You’re giving people a gift as well, especially if you have a truly delicious sugar cookie recipe to share!

This is an opportunity to reach out to a whole new group of prospective clients and referral sources with information they truly value at the holidays, so don’t just target your same old sphere of influence. Use Xpressdocs’ geographic targeting tools to send those recipe ideas to residents of specific streets, select demographic groups, even entire neighborhoods.

3. Host a fundraiser 

Many people want to do good at this time of year. Help them do so (and build your brand recognition in the process) by hosting a holiday fundraiser for a worthy cause. This can be as simple as using the Fundraiser Tool on Facebook to host a campaign on your profile page for a charity of your choice. Or you can send out direct mail postcards telling your contacts that you’ll be collecting canned food or warm clothing donations at your office or storefront. If you have a charity in mind, it’s a good idea to check out their website for resources. Many have online tools you can use to host a fundraiser for them, such as these resources from the American Heart Association.

4. Send an (unexpected) holiday greeting card 

Marketing Your Business at the Holiday PostcardsEvery sales professional sends “Happy Holidays” cards to their clients, past clients, and referral sources at this time of year – which means your card is likely to get lost in the shuffle, and your recipients may barely notice you made the effort. If you want to make more of an impression this time of year while marketing your business, send a Thanksgiving, Winter, or New Year’s greeting. When your card stands out from a run-of-the-mill holiday card, its impact will be much greater and longer lasting.

There’s nothing wrong with sticking to tradition, of course. If you do want to send out a classic holiday greeting card, make sure it’s beautifully designed. That’s where Xpressdocs’ seasonal marketing tab on your platform comes in. There, you get access to expert-designed postcard templates, updated regularly, for any and every occasion.

5. Give out special client gifts 

Marketing Your Business at the Holiday Client GiftsDo you have some marketing funding that needs to be used up by the end of the year? Use it to do something special (and delicious) for your best clients and referral sources, like providing them with a free pie of their choice. Send out an order form to your client list to get their pie preferences, and then partner with a local bakery to fulfill the orders. Have your clients stop by your office to pick up their pie the week before Thanksgiving or Christmas– that way you can re-establish your relationships with your best clients face-to-face, get them through the door of your office, and associate yourself with all the good vibes of a freshly baked pie!


Get started on Holiday Marketing Your Business Today

The weather outside may be gloomy, and clients may be few and far between at this time of year. But if you pull back on your marketing now, it only means you’ll have to work that much harder once spring is around the corner. Use these months to spread a little holiday cheer, and you’ll be looking at a very happy new year.

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