Direct Mail

Why Three Mailings are Better Than One

The Importance of Repetition in Marketing

One thing that makes postcard marketing so successful is that it’s so cheap. In the direct marketing industry, affordability is key.

If you only have enough money to launch one marketing effort, you won’t generate many fresh sales leads. The same is true for cash-strapped marketers who wait months between mailings. Your target audience will certainly notice your marketing effort(s), but they won’t respond in big numbers. You just can’t build a business relationship with one mailing – or a mailing every once in a while.

You need to get your name and marketing message in front of someone on a consistent basis before they’ll even consider using your real estate services. Three postcard mailings, staggered over a period of five weeks, is a great way to generate some name recognition and prime the sales pump. Then, it’s a matter of keeping your name top-of-mind with regular follow-up efforts.

After receiving five or six postcard mailings, most people will simply start to assume that you’re the go-to agent for their neighborhood. Repetition builds familiarity, and familiarity builds trust.

Use each postcard to emphasize your basic brand (logo, tag line, key differentiators) – but also to share something unique (i.e. a new marketing message or a special offer). Eventually, one of those messages (or a combination) will hit the recipient’s sweet spot, and they’ll make contact with you.

Even if the person is too busy to read your entire mail piece each time it arrives, at least your name and branding has flashed across their consciousness – which means they’re that much more likely to recall your name when they have a need (or a friend asks for a recommendation).

The more mailings they receive from you, the more comfortable they start to become with your brand. The more comfortable they become with your company, the more likely they are to trust you with their business. And that is the importance of repetition in marketing, in a nutshell.

So does this mean you should be mailing something to everyone in your target market every week? No. After your initial effort, sending a new postcard every four to six weeks is just about ideal. Any more often than that, and you’ll likely wear out your welcome.

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