Real Estate

5 Ways Real Estate Agents can use Social Media to Build Momentum

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and more: finding ways to ride the tsunami of social media abundance without feeling overwhelmed by it all.

Whether you’ve already embraced these digital domains and want to revamp your presence or find yourself starting from scratch, follow these tips to ensure you’re squeezing all the juice you can out of this lemon:

1. Know Your Audience and Choose Platforms Accordingly

It seems like every third Wednesday, a new social media site takes over. If you let it, the buzz will drive you crazy. Instead, check out where your target demographics hang out and let the data propel your strategy.

For example, trying to sell retirement condos on snapchat would prove less than ideal, as most visitors to the site skew too young. And if you specialize in commercial real estate, LinkedIn, with its bounty of professionals, would provide the best opportunities.

Paring down your options serves another purpose, too—it lets you focus energy where it counts…your people. If you try to maintain a dozen separate accounts, you’ll spread yourself so thin you won’t build an audience on any of them.

2. Limit Hard Sales and Tell Stories Instead

Hang out on any social media site for long, and you’ll get punched in the face with an ad…maybe 50. The solution? People tune them out, click the beloved “x,” or scroll like a maniac. Anything to make the noise stop.

If you want people to relate to you in a meaningful way and seek you out as an expert, avoid selling and embrace storytelling. Fortunately, there are a zillion ways to do this in real estate:

  • Talk about neighborhoods. When you post about new listings, go beyond the basics (price, features) and wax poetic about how it would feel to live in that home. What restaurants and shops sit nearby? Are there neighborhood/community appeals to families, outdoor enthusiasts, retirees?
  • Share milestones. Did you update your website recently, sell your 100th home, contribute to a noteworthy blog? If so, tell folks about it.
  • Include client testimonials. Did you find the ideal home for out-of-state transplants or new parents? Ask happy customers if they’ll provide a testimonial. Bonus points if you make it a video.

3. Remember to Engage

Social media is a lot of things, but its main component is…um, social. So after you post that amazing image of a house by the lake, remember to respond to comments and messages about it right away.

Another way to get things brewing is to provide content that feeds activity, like surveys or contests. Your followers will get a kick out of seeing you mix things up, and you’ll avoid appearing cookie-cutter or robotic.

4. Use Hashtags Like A Pro

Don’t mistake these old-school number signs as ways to increase likes only. True, hashtags bring more engagement to your posts, but their greater purpose is to encourage potential customers to find your real estate business. To help the process along, customize hashtags as much as possible.

For example, generic hashtags (#realtor #justlisted # househunting) might grab a broader audience, but when you get specific (#[Target Neighborhood] #[Target City]homes #[Brokerage Name]), you’ll reach clients with more potential.

5. Include Videos for Greater Connection

Nothing gets more authentic than a fun video, especially if it’s live. It might feel intimidating initially, but going live lets you show off your shining personality AND your hard-core knowledge. Plus, videos get A+ marks in algorithms and engagement, so they help establish an audience more quickly than standard posts.

Not sure where to start? Check out how your high-performing peers fly their flag and see if you feel inspired. Remember, though, posting videos only helps your plight if your true nature comes out, so make sure you feel comfortable with the subject matter before hitting the record button.

Oh, and when planning your live action masterpieces, don’t neglect the headlines and descriptions. These vital accessories help grab people’s attention and contribute to a healthy SEO ranking.

Closing Arguments

Our world has shifted significantly over the last couple of years, and real estate is certainly having a moment. To make the most of this opportunity, let social media help reinforce and reinvigorate your business…because savvy professionals maintain a relevant marketing mix at all times.

With that said, handy tools exist to help you streamline your efforts, the coolest among them involving automation. Why break a sweat when computer software can do it for you?

Offering solutions that help you automate social media posts, email notifications, and direct mail campaigns, Xpressdocs gives back your free time. So, when you’re ready to take a breather, give us a shout.

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