Direct Mail

Reevaluating Your Marketing Mix for the New Normal

5 Marketing Mix Tactics to Implement Now

Just as most of us were ramping up our marketing strategies for 2020 based on our learnings from 2019, COVID-19 threw us all a curveball. For many businesses, this has meant reevaluating our marketing mix and marketing strategies to ensure that they are aligned with the new normal – and sometimes new budgets.

As a marketing partner to many businesses, we have been able to identify a list of marketing tactics to help business owners market through the new normal. Having these tactics in your marketing mix will help guarantee that your business maintains engagement with existing customers and potential clients during these unique times.

1. Direct Mail

Direct mail is one of the more reliable ways to provide a safe but tangible touchpoint within your marketing strategy. 99% of people check their mailbox every day, presenting an excellent opportunity to add a physical element to your marketing mix. While many of your competitors are rushing into the digital space to meet your audience as they surf the web from home, pairing a direct mail touchpoint with your digital campaigns can help you break through the clutter and improve the response rates of your campaigns.

2. Specialty Marketing Products

Unique times call for unique measures. Specialty marketing products can create a personalized experience that will connect you with hard to reach prospects or clients. Products like branded Personal Protection Equipment kits, a curated gift basket, or even a video brochure with a heart-warming message are just a few of the tools you can use in your marketing mix to build or strengthen your relationships through these unique times of limited face to face interactions.

3. Yard Signs

On average, 85% of your business occurs within 5 miles of your place of business. Adding yard signs, billboards, or even feather flags to your arsenal may seem simple, but they are instrumental to your business’ success right now. Because signs are more durable than other marketing methods, less expensive, and safer than paying someone to go door to door to leave flyers, they can be a more budget-friendly solution to remaining visible and promoting your business to your local markets.

4. Retargeting with Direct Mail

Even as cities begin to open back up, industries are still seeing increases in digital traffic. Capitalize on this trend by implementing a retargeting with direct mail program to capture more leads. This program will track visitors to your website and match as many as 95% of them back to physical addresses. Upon matching addresses, each prospect is then automatically sent a customized direct mail campaign featuring your business and services offered- all within a matter of days from when they visited your website.

This tool is a useful way to recruit new clients, generate more business to specific locations, or send coupons to those interested in your services but have not made appointments or placed an order. If your company has a website, the use-cases are limitless and flexible to fit what you need.

5. Marketing with Compassion

It might go without saying, but we’d like to emphasize how important it is to market with compassion, especially now. Everyone’s world was turned upside down by COVID-19. Even months after the initial onset, we are all still learning and rebuilding together. Let your potential and existing customers know that you’re forging ahead with them through these trying times by using compassionate and personalized messaging in your marketing mix. The more transparent you can be with your potential and current customers about what your company is doing to ensure safety while still meeting their needs, the better you can serve your community and those around it.

These marketing mix tactics, integrated within your existing marketing plan, can put your company at the forefront of your community’s mind and ensure that your location or locations stay busy in the upcoming holiday season. Schedule a consultation with our business marketing experts to learn more about the tactics referenced in this article and how we can help your business thrive through.

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