Marketing Tools

Does the Ideal Customer Exist?

Does the Ideal Customer Exist?

We’re going to open this up with a spoiler (surely you saw it coming)—yes, you have an ideal customer. Why? Because nothing is universally liked. Think about it for a second.

Even things that seem broadly appealing—vacations, chocolate, puppies—have naysayers. Vacations can be stressful and expensive, leading some folks to seek the solitude of their couches. Chocolate is a fairly common allergen, and some simply dislike sweets. And puppies? They chew, drool, shed, and lack boundaries.

The truth is, we all have different likes, wants, and needs, and we make choices based on our preferences and behaviors.

So your business has to work off this principle of individuality. Certain people will rave about your product or service and others won’t see its point, no matter how much you shout at them. This separation is why it’s essential to identify your ideal customer, so you can focus your efforts on strategic, personalized marketing.

How to Find Your Ideal Customer

You’ll know you’ve found your perfect demographic when 1) your product or service solves one of their problems; 2) you want to target them.

Wait, what?

Yes, your business represents a side of this equation, too, so looking outward but not inward won’t do you any favors. Let’s say creative freelancers patronize your business the most, but you’d like to begin targeting agency leadership or in-house professionals. In this instance, your current customers may not represent your ideal. Then again, your ideal may not match reality. And that’s why you have to do the work.

In a best-case scenario, both sides get what they want. When searching for your ideal, consider these first steps:

  • Know Your Product/Service: More than understanding your business’ purpose, finances, and processes, you should have deep knowledge of your brand from your customers’ prospective. How do you solve their problems? Why should people buy from you instead of your competitors?
  • Set Goals: After you’ve dissected the company through your customers’ eyes, add your side to the mix. Are you satisfied with your current customer base and are they happy with you? Do your brand elements and marketing strategies align with your target audience or do you need to rework the messaging? Hint – If your customer retention rate is low (people are buying once but not returning), it could be a sign that your current customers aren’t your ideal ones.
  • Build a Buyer Persona: This project involves asking and answering vital questions that cover everything from basic demographics to tiny details that affect buying decisions. Research everything you can about your ideal customer. The more you understand about them, the more effective your marketing will be. Hint: Customer surveys are great for learning about your people firsthand.

What to Do Next

Okay, so you’ve done the legwork and found your ideal customer. What now?

Use the knowledge to inform future decisions. It might sound simple, but you’d be surprised how often teams spend hours agonizing over Buyer Personas only to let the files sit there. If you plan to narrow the target to improve your service (and bottom line), you should keep Buyer Personas top of mind to influence every move your marketing team makes.

Has this blog inspired you to dig deeper with your marketing efforts? Keep going! We have loads of helpful resources to help along the way. From our Buyer Persona Template to this blog about writing killer copy.

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