
8 Franchise Marketing Tips You Need to Add To Your Strategy Immediately.

Running a franchise business is exciting, but it does come with unique challenges, including navigating marketing strategies within the framework of a larger brand. With the right approach and a dash of creativity, franchise owners like you can master these challenges and create a winning strategy that propels your growth and keeps customers coming back for more. 


First Things First… Research!

When it comes to crafting your marketing strategy, you know it, I know it – research should be a priority. Researching specifics about your industry in your location is key to building a robust marketing strategy. Although it might not be the most exciting part of building a marketing plan, it’s not one you should skip.

For example, knowing when your busy season is, the average prices for various marketing channels, and the demographics in your area are crucial insights to help you set a realistic marketing budget and make strategic decisions on when and how to make the most impact.


Let’s explore eight effective tactics and practical franchise marketing tips you should be adding to your marketing strategy.


1. Embrace the Power of Localized Marketing:

One key advantage of operating a franchise is the ability to tap into the pulse of your local market. Tailor your marketing to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience in the local community. Boost your direct mail efforts by saturating local neighborhoods and zip codes. Research local partnerships, sponsorships, and community events to get involved with to establish a strong presence and build meaningful connections with your local community.



2. Leverage the Brand’s Marketing Resources

Franchisors often provide franchisees valuable marketing resources and tools. Take advantage of the brand’s marketing support, such as brand guidelines, marketing collateral, and digital assets. Aligning your marketing materials with the brand’s standards ensures consistency and helps build brand recognition. Remember to utilize the franchisor’s marketing team for guidance and support. If you’re using Xpressdocs, your Xpressdocs storefront will already be populated with templates and merchandise that utilize your brand’s most current requirements, and the Marketing Center Tab keeps your brand guidelines accessible. We make it easy to keep your marketing on brand.


3. Customize Your Online Presence:

While staying true to the brand’s overall image, it’s important to customize your online presence to reflect the unique aspects of your franchise location. Optimize your website and social media profiles with local SEO keywords, images, and content that resonate with the target audience in your area. Engage with customers through localized social media campaigns, highlighting special promotions or events. Remember that you as an individual are part of your brand as well. Make sure you’re sharing what you bring to the table as a business professional with your audience (while staying within your franchise’s guidelines, of course.)



4. Tap into the Power of Reviews and Testimonials:

Customer reviews and testimonials are game changers when building trust and enticing new customers. According to a survey by Brightlocal, 98% of people read online reviews for a local business, and up to 46% will trust the reviews the same as a recommendation from a friend or family member. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on popular review platforms and showcase these testimonials across your marketing channels. It’s also essential to monitor and respond to customer feedback. 88% of consumers are more likely to use a business if the business replies to positive and negative reviews.


network5. Foster a Collaborative Franchise Network:

Connect with your fellow franchise owners within your network to exchange ideas and gain new insights. Engage with franchisee forums or social media groups to share best practices, discuss marketing strategies, and learn from each other’s experiences. Collaboration within the franchise network can uncover innovative marketing tactics and inspire fresh ideas.


6. Network with Local Businesses:

If you’re located next to office buildings or other businesses, introducing yourself (with vouchers or promotional offers) could plant the seeds for some new, loyal customers or even corporate customers. Being conveniently located will automatically make you a potential option. Adding a personal touch, like introducing yourself in a neighborly way or giving away some coupons for the staff of that business, can go a long way in not only getting them through the door but also to continue choosing to do business at your location.



7. Create Your Own Buzz:

Lean into word-of-mouth marketing by promoting a referral program. Word-of-mouth marketing is still a valuable marketing avenue. According to a report by Nielsen, up to 92% of people are more likely to trust a brand recommended to them by someone they know. Encourage customers to talk about your brand by incentivizing them with referral rewards.


8. Stay Consistent with The Brand:

Whenever you are creating a marketing strategy for a franchise business, it’s crucial to cross-reference with your brand’s guidelines. Ensuring you are staying true to the brand’s voice is important for keeping the brand’s integrity. After all, that’s why you chose them! Making sure you are consistent with the tone and the brand’s core values will help you succeed in your marketing strategy.


As a franchisee, navigating the world of franchising may have its share of challenges. However, you have the power to excel by harnessing the power of localized marketing, utilizing the franchisor’s resources, and customizing your online presence. By nurturing customer relationships, actively engaging with the local community, and tapping into the strength of the franchise network, you can position yourself for marketing success and drive phenomenal business growth in your unique market. Don’t miss out on adding these franchise marketing tips to your strategy.

brand consistent

Xpressdocs Can Help

At Xpressdocs, we work with franchises of all sizes to help them gain and maintain brand consistency across their various locations. Our products, from the Xpressdocs brand management platform to our lead generating solutions, help franchise locations build their local footprints. For more information, check out our franchise resources.

To see what we can do for your business, contact us with the form below or contact one of our account managers at or 1 (866) 977-3627 .

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