Direct Mail

Make Your Return on Investment, Not Return to Sender

Rain or shine, the mail seems to always be delivered, but are mailboxes always filled with what consumers want? Aside from bill statements that we wish would disappear, most mail items get relocated to the recycle bin. We have a few tips below to help ensure your direct mail campaign generates revenue, not litter.

Appearance is everything

With 187.8 million pieces of mail being processed and delivered daily by the USPS, lost mail isn’t just about physical location. For your next direct mail campaign to succeed (and provide a return on investment), your print piece must first be seen, and the message retained.

To increase your chances of getting seen, multiple decisions around the appearance of your print piece need to be made. These can include size, paper type, and design. All are key elements that will help you catch you’re audience’s attention and help your audience retain your message.

  • Size: Set your mail piece apart from competitors by using an irregular sized mailer. Upon receiving non-traditional sizes your addressee is more likely to look at the mail. Stray from the expected and venture into the unconventional to help keep your print piece in the hands of your target customer and out of the trash.
  • Paper stock and coating: Another way to keep your print collateral in the hands of your future customer is through the power of touch. With direct mail marketing, the quality of paper displays your brand reputation more than you may realize. A thicker stock can give the impression of finer quality. There are also several coating options available such as high-gloss, soft touch, and matte, that can help make your direct mailer pop.
  • Design/color: The perfect splash of color or vibrant design can easily draw laser focus to your mailer. An attractive design will cause the recipient to want to look at your message and keep it around longer as opposed to basic mail pieces. Be sure to keep it clean as busy print items can be dubbed as garbage due to the chaotic presentation.

Call me, maybe

Now that your mailer looks worthy of being read, what messages do you need to include to get results?

  • Keep it simple: Shorter headlines and copy will entice viewers to actively read your text. To have your message be effective use powerful headlines that grab attention. Remember, you only get mere seconds to grab the attention of your prospective clients so make sure your copy is concise and familiar.
  • Reason to contact you: A generic message is likely to be forgotten. A relevant or personalized message will make the reader not only read the message but also react by either contacting you or visiting your website. It is encouraged to advertise a promotion or sale to entice consumers to reach out to your company.
  • Be visible: This goes beyond the physical visibility of your print piece but instead refers to the placement of your contact information. Remember to include a clear call to action to ensure your recipient knows what they need to do after receiving your mailer. Your contact information needs to be loud and evident to lock in your next lead.

The time is now to get started on your next direct mail marketing campaign. For information on how Xpressdocs can help you deliver your next successful mailer, contact us at 1-866-977-3627 or request a demo.


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